About the Advanced Yoga Nidra Method Certification

This course includes trauma sensitive practice and mental health management, pain transformation and deep relaxation enhancing our full potential with
Yoga Nidra, mindfulness and pranayama practices.

The Restorative Yoga Nidra Method is based on traditional yoga practices and supported by a significant body of modern scientific research.
Mindfulness is combined with deep relaxation, breathing techniques and other stages such as auto-suggestion, visualisation and pain reprocessing tailored to the individual or groups’ therapeutic aims. The Restorative Yoga Nidra Method is usually done in supine for 10 – 30 mins. This method can be used online, face to face and in groups.
Mind racing and unhelpful thoughts can be managed. Pain messages can be re-processed. The method assists with body awareness, interoception, acceptance and establishing goals and life purpose.
This can be a truly transforming practice!

Restorative Yoga Nidra Method Training Topics:
          · Pain and Brain science of mindfulness and Yoga Nidra Method.
          · Mindfulness practices.
          · Yoga Nidra Method stages and micro skills.
          · Yoga philosophy related to the Restorative Yoga Nidra Method.
          · Clinical reasoning and case studies.
          · Integration into therapeutic practice.
          · Precautions and contra-indications.
          · Exploration and summary of the evidence base.
          · Mental health; depression, anxiety and trauma sensitive practice
          · Pain re-processing

Self Paced.
Start now with the online course including a live half day workshop.
Workshops are scheduled throughout the year. including after hours options.
Follow the 8 module training program in your own time.
Live Online Face to Face Tuesday evenings 1.5 Hr tutorial x 4
Next face to face course starts April 16, 30, May 14, 28th.
Day time tutorials will also be offered during the year.

Course Time commitment is approx. 4 hours per module including class recording.
Restorative Yoga Nidra practice is done in a relaxing position, usually supine: minimum 3 x a week in your own time. (10- 30 mins)
Weekly short tasks to complete e.g. readings, journaling and videos.
Innovative teaching with online self paced tasks and a fabulous learning portal.
Continuing access to the resources for 5 years from enrolment.

Start the modules straight away!
Instructions on how to access the Learning portal will be emailed upon enrolment so you can start the readings and activities now.
Contact us on a tab below if you have any further questions and we will endeavour to get back to you with 2 days.

Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists. Yoga teachers can use this course for professional development.
Health professionals eg physiotherapists, occupational therapists, counsellors, psychologists to integrate into your scope of practice.  

Gain the skills to confidently prescribe and teach appropriate Restorative Yoga Nidra for a variety of common conditions including stress, mental health and pain transformation.
By the completion of this foundation course you will be equipped to teach the Restorative Yoga Nidra Method and Mindfulness for:
individuals and groups online or Face to face within your chosen scope of practice.
Course Investment:
$880 Full up front payment discount
Part Payments Options
$247.50 X 4 parts fortnightly (total $990)
$99 X 10 parts fortnightly (total $990)


Scholarships available (10 x $55 total $550 )
Applicants assessed based on financial need and sincere interest.
Email to apply

Super Early Bird until Jan 5th.
Early Bird prices until Feb 5th.

Advanced Yoga Nidra Method & Mindfulness Facilitator.
(40 hours CPD)
This foundational course can be taken as a stand alone course.
You can start teaching and integrating the Yoga Nidra Method into your scope of practice after this training. 
Yes. Your CPD (professional Development) certificate is approved for all APHRA Health practitioners including Physiotherapists who choose to use these techniques within their scope of practice.
CPD for Yoga teachers through Yoga Australia.
Lead educator Rebecca Fagan is a registered Physiotherapist with 20+ years in private practice and a Senior Yoga teacher with Yoga Australia and ERYT500+ registered with Yoga Alliance internationally.
She has worked in many areas of physiotherapy; mainly musculoskeletal private practice and community health.

for further details see the website
about ...
The Yoga Nidra Method has been well researched over several decades.
It is proven to be efficacious for chronic musculoskeletal pain, depression, stress and anxiety by calming and renewing the nervous system. Cortisol levels in the body can be reduced thereby reducing inflammation. It also assists with mind racing, thought and behaviour awareness, concentration, sleep, body awareness, interoception, empowerment and feelings of well-being. These practices can actually change the brain function and morphology.
A comprehensive summary of the evidence base is provided in the learning portal.
 · You will have access to our online Face Book community forum to share ideas and support.
 · Tutoring opportunities for experienced practitioners.
 · Receive referrals through our network
Bookings for Restorative Yoga Nidra Method here.
After your first payment you will receive the course registration form and access to the portal.