Chakra Yoga & the Tattwas
Monthly online yoga class.
Dive into the transformative world of the Ether Tattwa in our upcoming chakra yoga class
4th August 

Join us for yoga philosophy, yoga asana and breath work designed to activate and balance the elements within you.  
Yoga poses to promote prana flow.
Embrace a deeper connection with your inner self  with guided meditations.
 Replenish your spirit, mind and body.

Chakra Yoga Classes are 90 minutes.
monthly online Live 
the first Sunday of each month.
a recording sent out within a week.

Who are the Chakra Yoga Classes for?
Yoga Teachers
To learn techniques to deepen your students knowledge of the mysteries of the chakras. 
Learn practices to activate specific chakras.
Yoga students 
Those who want to explore subtle yoga along with gentle yoga asana.

What do the classes include?
Most classes include philosophy, asana (gentle exercise), pranayama techniques, mudra and meditation practices. Q & A.

Who are the Yoga Teachers?
3 Expert Instructors:
Swamis Mukti, Karma Karuna, and Yoga Shakti (Physio) each share their wisdom and knowledge with over 108 years combined yoga experience!

Why Practice together?
Practising together helps keep us motivated and on track. Our combined efforts strengthen our yoga community and uplifts us all.

Payment options.
1. One off class 
$15 US (Approx $23 AUD per class)
2. Annual 
$108 USD Upfront (approx. $165 AUD) BEST value!
3. Monthly 
$10 USD/ month. (Approx $15 AUD per month) 

Subscribers receive unlimited access to the whole series for 3 months PLUS resources.

Unsubscribe at any time but we hope you stay and support this project!

Yes! I'd like to Book 

Best Email
We Respect Your Privacy & Information.

 * The live class zoom link will be emailed on the Friday before the class starts.
* The recording will be emailed a week after the class.


   8.30am AEST QLD Australian Time 
Victoria/ NSW, 
NZ 10.30am
 Other locations convert UTC & GMT + 10 to your city"s time zone.